The (.SR1) Form for Clinicians & Claiming Process for Patients

Clinicians can be asked to provide medical evidence on an (SR1) form to support a benefit claim made under the Special Rules.

The SR1 form has replaced the DS1500 form.

A clinician should complete an SR1 form promptly if they believe that their patient:

  • has a progressive disease, and
  • as a consequence of that disease, it would not be a surprise if their patient were to die within 12 months

A clinician may be:

  • a General Practitioner
  • a consultant
  • a specialty doctor
  • a hospice doctor, or

 - a senior specialist nurse (such as a clinical nurse specialist, advanced nurse practitioner or similar)

The SR1 form does not replace the need for the patient to submit a claim form but does provide the evidence a patient needs when making a claim under the Special Rules.

The process for patients is available below:

The Special Rules allow people nearing the end of life to:

  • get faster, easier access to certain benefits
  • get higher payments for certain benefits
  • avoid a medical assessment

An adult or child is nearing the end of life when they are likely to have less than 12 months to live.

The Special Rules apply to anyone who may be nearing the end of life due to age or illness. There are no negative consequences for the clinician or patient if a patient who claims under the Special Rules lives longer than expected (1).

An introductory video and link to an e-learning module are available (see Resources section at bottom of this page).


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